How to Get Over Gym Anxiety Once and For All!

Chris Carra
8 min readMay 1, 2023

Whether you have gym anxiety or are a beginner to fitness, this article will help you build confidence at the gym!

Seriously, I know how difficult it is to get over insecurities about the gym and fitness.

The gym is such an awkward place. More on this in a sec.

As for me, I have both suffered gym anxiety in the past and I have coached people who have mega ‘gymtimidation’. In other words, people who are scared to step foot in a gym.

If this is you, then don’t worry.

In this article, I’ll give you some background info and then 7 tips that will help you build confidence at the gym, fitness classes or wherever you want to work out.

Do you *need* to go to the gym?

Love it or hate it, the gym is a place that you will probably have to visit at some point in your life if you want to improve your health and fitness.

Of course, going to the gym isn’t mandatory to get fit.

Some people enjoy exercising outdoors, whether that’s running, beach bootcamps, or calisthenics parks. Others like to work out at home.

But for many people, the gym is convenient — even if you hate going.

Equally, if you want to make serious gains, whether that’s building strength or muscle, then using all that lovely equipment at the gym is much easier than buying it all for your home.

Even if you NEVER go to the gym, you may still be anxious to try running or group fitness classes. The following tips will help you.

“Why does the gym give me anxiety?”

It’s a question you may have asked yourself as you nervously walk through the doors.

Or as you anxiously stand outside, trying to convince yourself to go in.

The answer is that the gym is a naturally awkward and embarrassing place.

You can make many mistakes at the gym. Even if you are an experienced ‘gym rat’ like myself, you can make mistakes that can be downright embarrassing.

In fact, I can safely say I have made every gym mistake:

  • dropped dumbbells on my feet
  • used machines incorrectly
  • been pinned by the barbell on the bench press
  • spilled my water bottle all over the floor
  • left massive pools of sweat in various places

And that’s before you add in all the awkward gym changing-room scenarios.

If these kinds of things can happen to me, then they can happen to a beginner, who is already a bit insecure. The result is incredible fear and gym anxiety.

How do I overcome gym anxiety and build confidence?

Right, it’s time to get over your gym anxiety once and for all.

Lets look at some tips that will help make your next trip to the gym a bit more comfortable — whether that’s your first time or tenth.

Follow these are you will feel better, guaranteed.

Tip 1 — Don’t worry what other people think

We are starting with a difficult one here.

It’s hard. Entering a gym for the first time is intimidating.

You may feel like everyone is looking at you.

The truth is that many people are. Many people are also probably judging you.

I know, it’s probably not what you want to hear if you have gym anxiety.

However, some people will judge you.

It’s human nature to judge other people. Whether consciously or unconsciously, you probably judge people every day — in the car, in the supermarket, or at work.

If you are new to the gym, you just have to get over it.

I will admit that I judge people. If I see someone new at the gym, I usually think ‘Hey, look it’s a new person’, but then I quickly forget about them.

If they look out of place in any way, I just tend to think ‘Good for them — at least they are trying!’. Again, I quickly forget about them and get back to my own workout.

Ultimately, people probably will judge you quietly, but they rarely care what you are doing, unless it’s something silly or dangerous — and the rest of the tips on this list will help you avoid that!

Everyone is looking at everyone, and everyone is judging everyone.

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Tip 2 — Wear something comfortable

Just because some people wear skin-tight leggings, sleeveless vests, and eye-catching colours, it doesn’t mean that you have to.

If you want to feel comfortable in the gym, I suggest wear something that makes you feel comfortable.

If you are overweight or underweight, and don’t want to show off every nuance of your body, wear something baggy.

On the other hand, if you like the feeling of something tight, then wear something tight, regardless of your weight!

The clothing you wear should feel comfortable, non-restricting, and give you confidence.

Don’t wear it because it’s what you think you should wear.

Some bonus tips here…




The number of times I have seen people with white shorts walk out of the gym with… let’s say ‘dark patches’ is surprisingly high.

Now that’s embarrassing and can be avoided by wearing black or a darker colour.

Also, avoid cotton where possible as this material doesn’t dry quickly. If you sweat, you will end up feeling wet, cold, and uncomfortable — and that’s the opposite of what we are going for.

Tip 3 — Have a plan

This is probably the most important tip on this list.

It’s incredible how many people walk into the gym without a plan, then wander around looking lost, confused, and overwhelmed.

This is why a plan is crucial.

While a workout plan tailored to your specific goals is beyond the scope of this article, it’s easy enough to find one online.

YouTube is a great resource, or you can speak to a personal trainer.

Just decide your goals first. Do you want to lose weight? Gain weight? Gain strength? Improve fitness? This will help you settle on a plan.

When you have a plan, memorize it or — even better — write it down for quick reference.

There’s no shame in taking in a notebook. In fact, that’s exactly what I do. I have my workout written down in a notebook and refer to it every single session.

Tip 3.5 — Have a *backup* plan

Be prepared!

Let’s say your plan had you starting your workout on the bench press.

But your gym has just one bench, and there are already two people waiting to use it.

Don’t stand there waiting awkwardly.

Just move onto something else and come back to the bench later, or even in the next session.

The gym is all about adapting, so if you want to feel comfortable and confident, know that you can alter your plan without it making too much difference.

Tip 4 — Know the layout of your gym

If you want to feel confident as you walk in to do your first workout, know where things are.

This will help you avoid walking around, awkwardly trying to find the next machine on your list.

Be aware that no gym is the same — but most share similar features.

For example, you will usually find the cardio machines closer to the entrance. This tends to be the ‘friendliest’ area of the gym.

I suggest picking a machine like the treadmill, then immediately getting on and walking at a slow pace. Use this slow walk to look around the gym and scope the layout.

You will see areas for stretching, areas with machines, areas for lifting weights. Note them all down in your mind, then decide which one you will go for first.

Then stop the treadmill, get off, and walk to your machine or weights station with confidence.

Tip 5 — Have a gym induction

When you first join a gym, you may be asked if you want an induction.

This is a fancy way of saying ‘a walk around the gym with a member of staff who will show you where everything is and demonstrate how to use the machines.’

Take it.

Having an induction may make you feel a bit self-conscious — like the new kid at school being shown around by a teacher.

However, spending 20 minutes with a gym instructor running you through the ins and outs, ups and downs of each machine can be very beneficial.

This can help you avoid many embarrassing pitfalls later on.

My suggestion is to go for it, especially if you have never used a gym before. It’s better to understand how things work than accidentally getting pinned in a machine because you used it backwards!

If you are particularly insecure about this kind of thing, ask when the quietest gym times are. Then go for your induction at that time.

In my experience, this is usually mid-morning to mid-afternoon. Of course, your gym may differ.

(If you have a 24-hour gym nearby, you could always ask for a 3am induction!)

Tip 6 — Join a beginner’s class

Your gym will differ from mine, but I know that many gyms offer beginner’s classes.

These allow people who are new to fitness and who may have gym anxiety to experience certain things in a friendly and non-judgmental environment.

This may be a beginner’s spin class, yoga class, a dance class, or whatever.

For example, in my gym there is a weekly beginner’s weightlifting session for ladies over 60. There are loads of classes like this.

In them, beginners learn how to do squats, deadlifts, leg presses and everything else. All with good form and in a non-judgmental environment.

Check out the timetable or speak to the staff at your gym to see what’s on offer.

Tip 7 — You are equal

One thing to remember is that everyone is entitled to be at the gym.

You will share your gym with people from all walks of life. You may see professional bodybuilders, keen powerlifters, experienced triathletes, or complete beginners.

But they all pay the same membership as you. Just like them, you are entitled to use any machine or dumbbell or barbell or whatever you like.

Most people in gyms are surprisingly friendly. However, some people walk around like they own the gym. These people are probably more insecure than you.

Never feel intimidated by someone else.

If you ever feel there is an issue, speak to the gym staff quietly and voice your concerns.

The final word

If you do suffer from gym anxiety, I hope these tips will help you build confidence at the gym or other fitness scenarios.

The gym can be a lifechanging place.

Not just in terms of weight loss or fitness, but you can develop lifelong friendships and a sense of community that is hard to find in other areas of life.

But it all starts with confidence.

If you enjoyed this article, then please share it with friends who may be struggling with gym anxiety!

Originally published at on May 1, 2023.



Chris Carra

Global explorer of health, fitness and wellbeing traditions 🌍 | Author of Bluffer's Guide to Fitness 🏋️‍♂️ | Pn1-certified nutrition coach 🌱 | Rep'd by LBLA.